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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bad Kids?

It's bad parents not bad children who are at fault

Children are not born bad they are taught to be bad.
Parents are 100% responsible for how their kids behave as children AND as adults.
Parents start passing their attitudes and behavior patterns to their children immediately AFTER the child is born.

I accept full responsibility for how my children behave. It's silly to try blaming the media, the school, outside influences or
anything else. You can't teach good behavior while screaming and yelling at your kid. You're just teaching them bad behavior.

What the media; news, movies and computer games have done is make bad = good and violence = fun.
But that influence pales beside what the leaders of the world teach the parents.

For instance it's good to torture people or even kill them for not obeying you... President Bush was very popular (at the time) for
saying things like "we want them, Dead or Alive!". and then went on to show us how much he approved of killing and torturing people.
His behavior is a direct result of being brought up by a greedy, warmongering oil baron.

Even so it's not the kids fault they grow the way they do it's their parents fault for not being smart enough or mature enough to
quit following the establishments bs.

A parent has to really live and act a life of Peace and Love if they want well behaved children.
Children are very easy to control and you can bring them to your way of thinking if you spend your time with them as an equal. You
don't talk down to them ever - it's not necessary. you don't change your voice pattern to a special tone. You keep friendly and polite

just like you want them to be, and guess what? That's how they are when they are older.

Smacking or spanking a child is not necessary to have them behave, in fact it does the exact opposite - They will have worst behavior
as they get older and most likely you are training the child to be a bully.

Although' slapping and caning kids was a normal teacher -student thing at my school. They did it in a very clever way so you actually
believed you deserved it. It was perfectly normal to have your head turned one side whispering to a friend, when suddenly 'bam' a hard
smack on the back of your head from the teacher. My English teacher had a three strikes and you're out thing about spelling. If you
misspelled more than 3 words in one essay you had to hold your hand out - in front of the class - so she could hit your palm as hard as
she could swing her cane. Girls were allowed to cry quietly after a caning but if a boy cried he would receive extra punishment for '
behaving like a girl'.

Not only teachers but neighbors and shopkeepers even policemen - all were allowed to take a swat at you.

Once I was dragged home by the ear, literally, by a policeman, who told my father to " beat the living daylights" out of me, which he did.
Amazing how that was all perfectly normal at the time. I hold no ill feelings towards my dad - now long dead - he was a product of
much harsher times.

My advice to any kid today would be ... Do unto others what you would have them do unto you.... or something like that.
If you want enemies - be an enemy, if you want friends - be a friend.

By the way, it's perfectly normal- natural even, to rebel against your parents between the ages of 12 to 18. You are preparing for the real world of taking care of yourself.
before 12 you shouldn't have any reason to rebel and after 18 you should be mature enough not to.

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